As they explain, the image comes from an article on the Black Agenda Report (nothing to do with yours truly, it's an African American website) which savages Obama for, essentially, not having two black parents, spending his childhood in Hawaii and giving whites a chance to show the world that they could vote for a black president.
I'm not sure about Obama myself yet - he almost seems too good to be true,and might be a better choice as vice-president. But I wonder if this kind of attack from an African American source might actually help him get more white votes...
"I wonder if this kind of attack from an African American source might actually help him get more white votes..."
Probably. He's not seen as "traditionally black", that is, particularly scary to white people; the gaffe from Joe Biden about how "clean" he is also falls in that mindset category.
He's not too good to be true, he's another big state, regulation loving Democrat... whatever happened to those free trade supporting, liberal Democrats? They seem to have disappeared...
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